I'm just your average Mom & Wife,
who leads a fabulously crazy life.
I do a million & 1 things during the day,
and try like heck to blog about them!


Day 38 - Late Night Rant

Last week my status on Facebook was a desperate cry of exhaustion, not enough hours in the day, lots of chores, needing more organization, and having the feeling that I'm drowning in all of the above.
In no way shape or form was I asking for sympathy. Not even a shoulder to cry on really. I just wanted some good, strong, helpful hints as to how all the other busy moms out there do it all.
Let me start off by saying (or typing, rather) that I've got a husband who will do anything, and I mean anything for me! He helps out with everything around the house. The dog, kids, meal preparation, laundry, grocery shopping, you name it! And I realize that I am WAY lucky!!
Call it crazy, call it Super Mom syndrome, but either way you look at it, I want to be able to do it all!
Why you ask? I really don't know.
I don't see why we can't do it all. Besides the fact that us moms are just stretched way too thin.
When the kids, or hubby get sick, who takes care of them? Mom does.
Who takes care of 'Mom' when we get sick? *crickets chirping... Exactly!

I was actually very surprised at how many wonderful comments, helpful hints, and very wise information I received on my Facebook status the day I was about to have my meltdown.
A lot of my friends put everything in prospective for me. And for that, I am truly grateful!
I felt so inspired, and eager to try out my new information from moms that I consider to be some of the GREATEST out there!

So to make my long, and most-likely boring story short, I don't have a picture to post to my Project 365.
I was way too busy over the weekend, spending some great quality time with my Hubby, and kids.
I need to keep reminding myself that it's OK if I don't get to post a pic, or blog everyday.
And it's ok if the laundry didn't get folded, and put away. It's ok that the floor didn't get mopped today. The dust isn't going anywhere, and the dry cleaning will remain safely tucked into that plastic overlay until we're ready to fetch it from the cleaners. Nobody said my house had to look like the museum I wish it did.
I may not be able to invite that unexpected visitor inside the front door, but that's OK too.
The chores will be there tomorrow. But what might not be there, is another chance to spend that second, minute, or hour with my family.
Life is too short.
Stop and smell the roses now & then, and stop trying to clean up the petals that fell on the floor :)

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