I'm just your average Mom & Wife,
who leads a fabulously crazy life.
I do a million & 1 things during the day,
and try like heck to blog about them!


Day 24 - Happy Little Facebooker!

Tonight Nina was rewarded for her good report card!
Instead of money, or the usual celebratory dinner, 
Nina asked for her very own Facebook page!
I asked myself, 'what happened to the days of getting $1 for each good grade'?
(Little did she know, Danny & I were already discussing the FB idea)
She's wanted an account for over a year, and several of her friends have one.
You can bet I was nervous, and a bit hesitant to allow this...
It's scary how these kids know so much about technology, and
we should also realize that kids today are way different than we were at that age!
That being said, Nina signed her life away, and agreed to our rules & regulations.
No guidelines, or restrictions could mean BIG trouble later on... 
It's up to us parents to protect our kids!
Danny & I sat down and came up with a set of rules.
WE will monitor the emails/messaging.
WE have control of the email address, and password.
WE also control the friend requests being sent, and coming in. 
Nina understands that hese rules will remain in place for a long time.
And Danny & I will remain a united front!
It's up to Nina to prove to us that she can remain respectful, and responsible.
My picture captured her excitement as her friend requests were being approved.
We can't stop our baby girl from growing up, 
but we can certainly set rules that help guide her, and give her 
the confidence she'll need to make wise decisions.
Happy Facebooking Nina, and good luck :)

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