I'm just your average Mom & Wife,
who leads a fabulously crazy life.
I do a million & 1 things during the day,
and try like heck to blog about them!


Family, Friends & Food trucks!

I've often wondered what this new Food truck craze was all about...
I always thought of them as the "roach coach"
Boy was I wrong!
Every type of food you can possibly think of, has a food truck.
{Sushi, Mexican food, BBQ, Desserts, and other specialty foods}
Every week these trucks park together, and wait for all the hungry people!

My friend Cheryl & I were interested in checking this out.
Friday night, our families got together, and we drove over for dinner.
I was chatting with my friend Shannon earlier in the day, 
and she suggested we bring our chairs. She said everyone tailgates.
She was right! Some of these people went all out.
Some were enjoying their dinner on a folding table - great idea!
{I'm thinking about doing that next time} 

Here is Cheryl & I with our Tornados. They're potatoes on a stick.
It's an entire potato, twisted, and made to order with your choice of seasoning.
I can't remember all 10+ flavors, but I had Sour cream & onion.
Mmmm! It was really tasty.

 Cheryl's son Andrew was pretty excited about his Tornado!

Cheryl's husband Ray ordered some BBQ meat, piled on french fries.
The picture doesn't do his meal justice!
Danny ordered some Korean tacos. He said they were very good.

Nina doesn't like to try new things... at all! 
She decided to stick with a major staple - Ketchup & a side of fries.
Not all fries are created equal, but she said these were delicious!

Cheryl also wanted to try the Sushi. She ordered a Salmon roll.
Let me just tell you, this was the freshest roll I've ever tasted!
I'm totally gonna order this next time we head over there.
My mouth is watering just looking at this picture!

After we all walked up & down the two aisles of food trucks,
full hands & all, we headed back to our picnic spot.
We had to use Jordan's stroller to help transport our drinks.
 The scent of our yummy food tickled our noses!
Thanks to Shannon's suggestion, we had a place to take a seat.

Here is Cheryl & Nina getting ready to eat.
It was really fun tailgating in the parking lot with our friends!
We had our chairs set up in a circle, around Ray & Cheryl's truck.

Ray & Andrew - chatting & eating dinner.
{Andrew is the one hiding his face with his Coke & Tornado}

Jordan was very content sitting in his stroller.
I think he liked people watching. There were LOTS of people to watch.
One of these days he'll be old enough to sample some of the yummy food.

Danny & I stopped feeding our faces for a quick picture.
We were having the best time with The Cooley's.
Chatting, eating, laughing, and sharing stories - funny stories!
We were having such a great time, that we didn't leave until after 10pm.

This is what it's all about... 
Hanging with friends, making fun memories, and sharing laughs!

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