I'm just your average Mom & Wife,
who leads a fabulously crazy life.
I do a million & 1 things during the day,
and try like heck to blog about them!


Girls Scouts & The LH Fire Department.

One busy weekend... 
Nina's troop went to our city's fire department for a tour!
As you can see, our little darlings were very excited to be there!

Nina and the girl scouts got a chance to wear the firemen's gear!
All the girls said is was really heavy. 

The girls even had a chance to check out all the equipment/tools.

One of the highlights of their tour...
Each girl got a chance to sit behind the wheel of the fire engine.

One of the girls got hooked up to a machine that monitored her heartbeat.
She jumped around so we could see her heart rate increase!

Much to their surprise...
The girls of troop 1099 were invited to go on a ride in the fire engine -
Complete with sirens blaring, and lights flashing.
It was very exciting!

Once the girls returned from their ride,
the girl scouts had a chance to squirt water from a fire hose!

Just as the girls were finishing up, our firemen received a call!
They had to quickly gather their things, and hop in the engine.
It was a really great afternoon spent at our fire station!

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