I'm just your average Mom & Wife,
who leads a fabulously crazy life.
I do a million & 1 things during the day,
and try like heck to blog about them!


Jordan's 1st trip to the Circus!

July was a VERY busy month for us!
Disneyland & California Adventure, Selena Gomez concert,
and camping with friends at the Vale Lake resort {not posted yet}
July 30th, and exactly 1 week before Jordan's 1st Bday party,
we were still plugging along, and took the kids to the Circus!
Ringling Bros. was in town!
Nina informed us that she had never been to a circus. 
Seeing howJordan's party was circus themed, it only made sense that we go!

I had heard that if you show up an hour before the show,
you could catch all the circus animals relaxing before their big moment.
We thought it would be great for Jordan & Nina to get a close up look!
Here's Danny & Jordan watching a few horses put on a little pre-show.
Jordan really enjoyed watching them!

Our next stop was to see the elephants!
Jordan liked watching them eat straw, and throw dirt on their backs.

Once we were finished looking at the animals before the show,
we bought Jordan a pair of kooky clown glasses, and headed inside.
Jordan was showing a little girl his new glasses, while we were in line.

Once we got inside the Honda Center, we discovered a show going on.
We got to head down to the center of the ring, and mingle with the performers!

Here are a few talented jugglers, stealing the spotlight.
They were amazing!

For being such a little guy, you could tell that Jordan was enjoying himself!
He loved watching the performers, and even clapped his chubby, little hands.
Look how he's captivated!

In fact, Jordan was so excited, he threw his arms around Danny, 
and gave him a BIG kiss on his cheek!
How sweet is that?!

Danny & the kids got to take a picture with one of the clowns!

Jordan & I got settled in our seats, while Danny & Nina grabbed us lunch.
Look how happy Jordan looked!
{actually he's always this happy}

The show was starting!
The lights, music, and all the performers were MESMERIZING!
At one point, a few of the clowns had Nina & I in tears 
We were laughing so hard!

 Jordan was watching the show, and he started laughing!
{I mean, REALLY laughing}
I'm not really sure what tickled his funny bone.
How cute is this picture of my little guy chuckling?!
He kept saying, "Woooooow" and pointing. Too cute!
Jordan fell asleep 20 minutes into the show.
But up until then, he was having a blast!
Our trip to the circus was another fun & memorable Aguirre family trip!

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