I'm just your average Mom & Wife,
who leads a fabulously crazy life.
I do a million & 1 things during the day,
and try like heck to blog about them!


Jordan's Lovey

This is a post about little Jordan & his Lovey.
He loves his Lovey very much!
He got his Lovey as a gift, when he was first born.
One day, when Jordan got a little older, his mommy gave him his Lovey.
To her surprise... Jordan really, really, really loved his Lovey!
And one evening, not too long ago, 
Jordan's mommy took pictures of him, holding his Lovey.
And this is what she saw...

Jordan likes to hold his Lovey. With both of his chubby arms.

He also likes to clean his high chair tray with his Lovey.

Jordan likes to hold his Lovey tight, and sniff it.

And often times, Jordan likes to sit, and daydream with his Lovey.

Jordan's Lovey makes him smile.

But most of all, Jordan likes to read books with his Lovey by his side.
The End.

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